Jun 20Liked by Jane Burn

Thank you Jane. I really love your articles. I particularly loved this part ‘I am mountain made from breaking, then from healing, time and time again’ what a great mantra or something Rocky might say (I love Rocky).

I think it’s because it’s a story of struggle and love being the winner. Anyway enough of my babble. Love you superstar ❤️❤️🤗🤗

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And may love always be the winner, my gorgeous friend xxx

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Yes!! Always ❤️❤️✊🤗🤗

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Yes. I hear you.

Place is home and safety. I am at home right now, on the edge of Dartmoor where I walked and clambered for hours yesterday (and likely shall again today). I am at home in Hull and on the broad Holderness plain with its huge skies, as it is eaten away inexorably by North Sea waves. I am at home in Helsinki and Pohjois Karjala with lakes and trees and sauna and voices from my roots.

These are the few places that resonate with me. Special places that are each utterly different in form and landscape, yet all fit my being, allow me to nestle like a hand in a warm and accommodating glove that allows my fingers to move and dance in freedom and safety. Home, in all the ways that the place I was born and borne, and grew into this shielded, guarded, masked animal, wasn't.

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Thank you so much for sharing your safe places with me - they sound beautiful. I don't know if I will ever define what place is but I am truly enjoying the journey xxx

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Jun 19Liked by Jane Burn

Lovely to have all these thoughts to react to, thanks for sharing. Fortunate are those who grow roots. I’ll be going back to read again.

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Thank you so very much - I am so glad you found some good things there :-) xxxx

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Jun 18Liked by Jane Burn

What an excellent article. I do not think of place as property, although I have always thought of my home as sanctuary. I think of place as belonging and there've been places which touched me deeply. The moment I moved into my current home I felt my tap root reach down into the earth for the first time in my life. For the first time I felt I belonged. The best book I've read on this kind of experience is, 'If Women Rose Rooted' by Sharon Blackie.

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Oh yes, I agree place is more than property - this is just the beginning of many articles I have on the different versions of place I have considered, and how they might begin to be explored :-) Thank you for liking the article xxx

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