You are brave, and strong, and every single word of this resonates. These people do not understand. You will continue to prevail, and you will continue to rise triumphant.

Thank you for sharing this. Please keep sharing <3

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Awww thank you bless you - it is wonderful people like you who keep me going and remind me that there is kindess out there xxx

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Jun 10Liked by Jane Burn

An awful experience, Jane. So brave to share it with us. Your poetry and art is fantastic, I loved your recent webinar, it communicated so much with me. Your Substack this morning made me so angry. Please put this pain behind you, you do not need Academia, your work shines.

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Thank you so much for your kind words - actually, it was the webinar that inspired me to share this post and then answer with part 2, soon. I am working every day on leaving the pain behind xxx

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Jun 10Liked by Jane Burn

I've been down this road, Jane. The effort each application takes is phenomenal. It saps all aspects of your life. I've had acceptances that didn't work out, and encouragement to apply at other institutions, which turned into unnecessarily brutal rejections. The kind poet George Szirtes encouraged me to think of my fruitless academic foray as a 'liberation'. This has enabled me to go on. All the best to you, and please continue sharing your wonderful writing & process. - Linda Collins

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Bless you. It really takes so much out of you - it empties your soul. I am so glad you had a kind friend too to help you through the hardest moments. Love and hugs of empathy to you xxx

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Jun 12Liked by Jane Burn

Thank you for sharing that experience. I’m glad you’ve been able to. I think the university has missed out on an imaginative and intelligent person.

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Thank you so much - that is so very, very kind of you to say xxx

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I'm so sorry this has happened, Jane. From my very privileged position of having gained a funded PhD place, I don't want to seem condescending or patronising. I think I am right in thinking I'm about 7 years older than you. You still have time. I realise you might never want to apply again but 7 years ago I can't imagine myself being able to do what I am doing now.

I am doing my PhD with a supervisor who will be retiring in a couple of years and as such it's the last chance I have to work with him. I don't know if you've applied to Leeds Trinity but they have funded places to apply for and the application process was ok. It might seem to far away for you but I'm not in uni that much and manage ok.

I realise you don't want to think about it at the moment but if you need any advice or help,please get in touch. Lots of love xxx

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Thank you. Maybe the futurre will bring something different. I doubt it, so onwards somewhere else I must go xxx

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Jun 10Liked by Jane Burn

I am so sorry this happened and that they don’t understand what a wonderful guiding light you are. You are actually too good for them. Love you my amazing friend xxx

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Love you too - I am still so angry with myself for risking the process again after everyting I had already been through xxxx

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Jun 10Liked by Jane Burn

Please be kind to yourself, it would’ve been worth the risk if it had worked out and none of this is your fault. I am sorry they are so ignorant and that you had such a bad experience. You are probably the cleverest person I know xxx

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Oh you are so very kind. Sending you hugs across the miles xxx

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